Besta bókhald og
Ráðgjafarfyrirtæki á Íslandi

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Í tölum


Ár í þjónustu við viðskiptavini


Ánægðir viðskiptavinir


Skattframtöl lögð fram

The Story

X-US’s history spans many years and reflects strong growth and development in the field of Accounting solutions & Business Consultation for individuals, small and medium-sized businesses.

2016: The idea for X-US was born when the founder saw a need for an accounting solution that simplifies the process for individuals.

2017: The service officially went live, focusing on individuals.

2018: The service expanded and began to appeal to small and medium-sized businesses. By this time, the number of customers increased.

2021 and 2022: More team members introduced to the team.

2024: X-US now has over 1k customers.

Vision of the future

Our vision is to lead the field of accounting solutions and business consultation in Iceland, empowering individuals and small to medium-sized companies to thrive. Through innovative, accessible tools and exceptional services, we aim to transform how businesses manage their operations, making financial success simpler and more attainable.


Services General Price
2.400 kr.
For each started 30.000 records, above 20.000, up to 10 plus charges.
Sales & Inventory
2.400 kr.
For each started 10.000 invoices, above 5.000, up to 10 plus charges.
2.400 kr.
For each started 500 payslips, above 500, up to 10 plus charges.
2.400 kr.
For each started 500 payslips, above 500, up to 10 plus charges.
Approval system
7.400 kr.
For each 5 user, more than 3
Purchase and ordering
2.400 kr.
For each started 5.000 orders, above 2.500, up to 10 plus charges.

Director's Message

X-US has grown from humble beginnings since its
founding by Árni Birgisson in 2016 to becoming one of Reykjavíks’ fastest-growing Accounting solution & Business Consultation. In 2023, I feel proud to be Director, my vision is the legacy of quality and customer service that has always been our hallmark.

We remain committed to providing top-quality Accounting solutions & Business Consultation. Our success is rooted in the trust of our customers, and we will continue to uphold the high standards that have defined us for decades.

Thank you for your continued support.

Warm regards,

Árni Birgisson
Director, X-US

Hittu liðið okkar

Við erum hópur skattnörda, endurskoðenda og reyndra sérfræðinga sem hjálpa viðskiptavinum
taka skynsamlegri fjárhagslegar ákvarðanir.

Linda Ramsay, CPA

Head of Operations

Linda Ramsay, CPA

Head of Operations

Linda Ramsay, CPA

Head of Operations

Linda Ramsay, CPA

Head of Operations

Linda Ramsay, CPA

Head of Operations

Linda Ramsay, CPA

Head of Operations

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